
The goal of this website is to offer useful and relevant information to help visitors research, find, evaluate, and purchase the best product or service for their specific needs. It can be frustrating wading through websites that just want to hard-sell you something or don't provide useful information upon which to make a sound decision. This website can help out by providing the following relevant information:

  • Information regarding products and/or services
  • Buying tips, FAQs, or best practices for use
  • Glossary for complex products or services
  • Links to books, software and other relevant resources
  • Links to relevant advertiser sites (spam and junk links are scrubbed out) to help defray costs

If you have questions or comments regarding any of the specific products, services or companies that advertise on this website, please contact those companies directly. Please note that actual products and services are NOT sold directly from this website, so we cannot respond to you regarding specific products or services.

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